Study in 2024/2025

Student commitment 

LEAP represents an excellent opportunity for MSF staff to develop their skills and broaden their understanding of humanitarian management and leadership. To get the most out of the programme, it is important that students demonstrate a high level of commitment. The following has been created to show the responsibilities of students enrolled on the programme.

Whilst enrolled on the LEAP Programme I will commit to...

* Due to the covid-19 pandemic, the face to face period has temporarily been replaced with an intensive study period. During this time, students will still be expected to communicate the intensive study period dates to their line manager in the field or at HQ, and inform UoM if unable to attend classes.    

Due to the nature of MSF’s work, it is recognized that occasionally staff may be working in difficult conditions which impacts their ability to meet all these conditions. Therefore, we ask all LEAP students to please plan ahead and give pre-warning if you foresee any impending situations which may affect your studies. In such circumstances, please notify your line manager and UoM immediately. 

What to do if you cannot study anymore

If you have been accepted onto the LEAP programme, but you can no longer attend, it is very important that you communicate this with the MSF UK LEAP team, your OC, and HCRI as soon as possible. We will try to accommodate those who need to defer their entry point or interrupt their studies for a semester.